Who knew that you can get physiotherapy for the coccyx?!
I sure didn’t, but it turns out possible with a specialist Physio. In my case it was the same Women’s Health Physio I saw before giving birth. She was the one to later also confirm I had sustained a prolapse and I did lots of pelvic floor training with her, but the treatments she gave me were mainly to help with my coccyx issue.
I would not have been where I am today with that if it wasn’t for this physio. I went for sessions with her quite frequently in the first few months post-partum and they were often very awkward and very uncomfortable but the exercises, massage, manual therapy combined with my own homework eventually brought me to a point where the pain became manageable. It was a long and slow process, and maybe it was partly Time that ran its course in the injury healing, but I strongly believe I would not have gotten where I did without physiotherapy.
I also wish I had had the same opportunity when I first injured the coccyx 10 years earlier, as back then I was only told there was nothing to do about it, that I just had to live with it. Well, it is likely I still have to live with some degree of pain and now almost two years post-birth I still struggle to sit down for too long, it is still difficult to be comfortable on a sofa and I cannot lay down flat on my back or do certain abs exercises whilst seated/lying on the floor. I also cannot live without my dear pillow. I use it on my everyday chair at home and it comes with me when I go travelling and anytime I know I will be sitting a lot without many chances of changing position.
Socially awkward again – yes sometimes it is, but the pillow does a good job for me and I prefer to stay as comfortable as I can, especially as I now have a son now who depends on me. I am just so thankful that the initial agony I was in the first few months after giving birth eased off, as it would have been tough to cope with that for much longer.
And my lesson learnt is to not suffer in silence – there is often help to get and it can make a massive difference if you make sure to get it!
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