In the the first part of the pregnancy I used my pessary just as normal. (By the way, how did that happen? I’m referring to a blue silicon cube I insert every day ‘down there’ as something normal? Now that’s something I wouldn’t have guessed about my life a few years ago…). Anyway it helped a lot, especially as the prolapse felt A LOT worse in the first trimester. And my then 2.5 year old kept me busy, which meant I didn’t have many chances to sit down and relax. I consulted with the gynaecology nurse and asked her for how long I should continue using the cube, and she said that it was entirely up to me. That it was perfectly safe, and that theoretically I could use it throughout the whole pregnancy if I wanted to, BUT that I would most likely find it more and more difficult to put it in and out as the belly would grow. Which made lots of sense… And she said that whenever I decided to stop it shouldn’t be a big problem for the prolapse itself, it was more of an issue in my head: I was by now so dependent on the cube in my day to day life.
And she was right, I was really getting nervous about removing it. I would normally only go a few hours tops without it and would never leave the house like that. My bladder would fall out!! But the initial worsening of my symptoms thankfully only lasted for a few weeks and a little bit into the second trimester the prolapse actually felt a bit better. Having heard of this phenomenon it was a point in the pregnancy I was hoping I would reach, but would never believe until I experienced it. Amazing!
I was still stressed about taking away the cube though, so I decided to do it gradually. I went half a day without it. First day off the cube completely was a day I spent at home. And I increased the time without it day by day…. Around 16-17 weeks I stopped using the cube completely.
My prolapse was now unsupported but a little better (temporarily, most likely) – and I was nearly half way through my second pregnancy!
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