a blog about running with a prolapse

Author runne859

Repost – my prolapse poem. Just because.

She was walking in front of me and I had seen her many times before One of those fit and healthy looking mums and impossible for me to ignore.  Her youngest child in the hand, who must have been around… Continue Reading →

A fitness fraud

Life went on, as life tends to do. Especially now that I was a mother of a toddler and a baby our days were pretty busy and time seemed to fly by. In the evenings I worked through the theory… Continue Reading →

My fitness life

I have such a clear memory of this occasion. It was after an ‘all out’ interval session on indoor running tracks. This athletics centre was like my second home during many years in my youth. I started thinking about sports… Continue Reading →

So complicated

— PLEASE NOTE: I am writing about my personal experience here, and my own understanding of the issue…I am by no means a professional in this area, please consult your healthcare professional for advice on your specific circumstances — I… Continue Reading →

A prolapse kind of poem

She was walking in front of me and I had seen her many times before One of those fit and healthy looking mums and impossible for me to ignore.  Her youngest child in the hand, who must have been around… Continue Reading →


My throat felt swollen and the tears were burning behind my eye lids. But I couldn’t let myself go there….not yet… not yet… I couldn’t remember which way I had come from or what direction I had to go to… Continue Reading →

Pelvic floor devices and surgery talk

It was hard to stay positive. Part of me really wanted to stick to the idea of keeping my head high and power through whilst hoping for improvement, but the rest of me was falling apart.. it was as if… Continue Reading →

Is it my fault?

I had promised myself to stay positive and give myself time to heal without stressing out too much. I cannot say exactly for how long this lasted but I realise now it didn’t last for that long. Soon enough I… Continue Reading →

POP awareness month

June is POP Awareness Month. How could I ignore this? How could I not make sure I take part in it, and continue this blog project I started a few years ago… I went silent for some time lately. But… Continue Reading →

In an ideal world…

It upsets me that there is no straight forward care for women following childbirth. There must be so many suffering postnatal problems in silence. A lot of the time I suspect new mothers wouldn’t seek help unless they are offered. And… Continue Reading →

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